Just for our amoosement and yours, perhaps!!!
Consider Outdoor Vs Indoor Distractions —
19 fun ideas with Texas longhorn cattle in Texas – during covid
After months of living in a COVID 19 environment we have learned that solitary confinement is an opportunity for self growth but it is also a real punishment. Masks are a pain no matter how funky they are and cabin fever is real.
Never mind if you suffer from allergies, avoid the sun, dislike flies, mosquitos, ticks, kissing bugs, fire ants, etc., etc., even in Texas being outdoors with others is far safer during this pandemic than being in a conditioned environment sheltered from the natural elements.
With this in mind and with ‘cownsel’ from our own herd of course we have 19 suggestions to keep you in an udderly good moo(d) until a breakthroo with a vaccine or at the very least until the end of 2020.
1. Visit Pioneer Plaza in Dallas. Pioneer Plaza is one of many parks in Texas where you can find life size statues of Texas longhorn cattle created by Robert Summers. Some other venues include Houston, New Mexico and Waco.
2. Sit on a bench in any park with a book on the history of Texas Longhorn Cattle. by J. Frank Dobie, or The Texas Longhorn by Don Worcester is a great start. If you can’t find literature in hard copy form and if you don’t have access to a library, no worries – just read our blog! We have great posts on the history of Texas longhorn cattle which you may find surprisingly fascinating. Here is a link to one 16 Interesting facts: The Texas longhorn cattle breed.

2.(a) If you are over 21, we recommend you read about Texas longhorn cattle with a friend or two, preferably whilst sipping a glass of ‘Moo – et’, Prosecco works just as well as long as you remember to drink responsibly, social distance and steer clear of driving under the influence.
3. Murals, moo-ruls, murals everywhere….. you may have heard of a government program under President Franklin D. Roosevelt called The New Deal program borne out of the Great Depression. In order to stimulate the economy and fund those that needed it most, artists were commissioned to create artwork that included murals for government buildings across the country.

In Texas alone, 106 artworks were completed, many of which included Texas longhorn cattle and are still visible today scattered throughout the state. A list, a map and an explanation of these murals, can be found in a copy of The Texas Post Office Murals – Art for the people by Philip Parisi (©2004 Texas A & M University Press, College Station.)
A more recent example of a historic mural of Texas longhorn cattle in our own county is located in Stephenville, Texas and photographed below

This mural is called “Ye-oh, sic ’em!” and is an illustration of an event believed to have occurred around 1870 when a parrot caused a herd of Texas longhorn cattle to stampede causing major damage. This stampede is referenced in Dobie’s book The Longhorns on page 114
4. Did you know that both female and male Texas longhorn cattle have horns?
For more on the awesome characteristics of Texas longhorn cattle and their habits here is another link to keep you entertained 15 Awesome reasons why ranchers raise Texas longhorn cattle.
5. With a growing mooovement of farm to table, here’s a TEACH-A-BULL moment for kids and many adults too:-
We have lots of photos on our website at GVRlonghorns.com
Texas longhorn cow = female bovine
Texas longhorn heifer = young cow that is not yet bred.
Texas longhorn bull = male bovine
Texas longhorn steer = male that has been castrated and cannot breed
6. If you and your kids have a pet fish you may want to brainstorm the unlikely question as to what a Texas longhorn may have in common with it and then read our blog post What does a longhorn have in common with a fish in a fish tank?
7. To the adults involved we highly recommend combining point number 2.(a) and 6. for creativity, naturally! A picnic is especially amoosing with topics that the whole family can talk about. If kids are involved we need not remind parents to be extra responsible.
8. Bet you have not played the game, ‘Who has the most desira-bull MOO?’….for added amoosement.

9. For the real thing, the Fort Worth Stockyards usually has a Texas longhorn cattle drive twice a day. Check out their website before you plan your day trip and the opportunity to see some beautiful Texas longhorn steers.
The video below illustrates the history of the Fort Worth Stockyards. Fast forward to the end to see a visual of the modern Texas longhorn cattle drive through the main streets.
10. A day trip in the country in search of Texas longhorn cattle can be so much fun. If you live in Texas, the chances are that you will find a Texas cattle ranch within 2-3 hours of your location, if not closer.
A portion of the official Texas longhorn herd of Texas is at Fort Griffin State Historic Site. Some of the other venues include San Angelo State park, Copper Breaks State Park, Palo Duro Canon State Park
Just getting out and changing your daily visuals helps uplift your perspective.
11. Texas longhorn cattle are iconic to Texas. It’s difficult to take a bad photo of a Texas longhorn! Rather than buy a picture to hand on your wall, take your own, but only if you don’t put yourself in harms way.
12. If you are lucky enough to find a herd where it’s safe to stop, or if you have access to a herd of Texas longhorn cattle make time to simply watch a herd.
This may sound crazy but you will be pleasantly surprised at how relaxing it can be.
13. Texas longhorn cattle are deliberate in everything they do. Whether they are eating, sleeping or ruminating, their actions are with purpose. Slow down, observe, reprogram.
14. Texas longhorn cattle are inquisitive to say the least. Whilst you monitor them, rest assured, they will be surveying you. Our blog post, from a cow’s eye view will give you an idea of their perspective.
15. A Texas longhorn cow will be particularly wary of you if there is a longhorn calf by her side. Texas longhorn cows are exceptional mothers. Their nurturing nature is inherent and a vantage point for us to take a moment to check our own impact on others.
16.Their behavior is so soul inspiring and addictive to observe. It is highlighted in our post, The secret behind the Popularity of Texas longhorn cattle.
17.Sketch, draw, paint. Whether you claim to be an artist or not. Rest assured your subject will not criticize your creativity.
For fellow Texas longhorn cattle ranchers, friends and acquaintances…..
18. All Texas longhorn cattle are unique in their appearance to each other but also in their nature. There is something especially fulfilling about being up close with a bovine. Of course, never without the permission of the owner, Touching, brushing and hand feeding a Texas longhorn is fun and social distancing is not a requirement.
For some real farm stories read our post Are Texas longhorn cattle dangerous?
19. Finally, and as a last resort for changing the monotony of a weekend during COVID, and always with the permission of the rancher –
a walk in the park is one thing but who can say they have kissed a cow?
IN CONCLUSION :- Let’s face it, parasites aside, you cannot catch the Coronavirus disease from a cow AND no masks are required.
Disclaimer: All material noted above is based on our hands- on experience as ranchers, as well as our observations of our own cattle over the years. We have done and continue to do extensive research in order to maintain our herd‘s optimum health. However, all opinions and statements made on our website are meant as guidelines only. We are not qualified statisticians/ veterinarians and urge you to consult a specialist with your concerns. Content of this blog belongs to GVR Longhorns LLC and may not be copied in any form. ©GVRlonghorns.com All rights reserved.