If you love Longhorns PLEASE COMMENT BELOW
Do you love Texas longhorn cattle?
Have you ever considered owning a longhorn? or
Do you have reservations of owning longhorn cattle?
If you answered YES to any one of the above questions, you may want to read on….
A number of our GVRlonghorns customers agreed to answer a brief survey to summarizing their take on choosing to purchase Texas Longhorn Cattle.
We asked our customers questions like:
- What made you decide to purchase Texas longhorn cattle instead of another breed of cattle?
- How many Texas longhorns do you have and how much land are they on?
- How are Texas longhorn cattle different from other breeds of cattle you may have or have had in the past?
- How well do your longhorn cattle interact with other cattle/animals you may have?
- Is caring for your Texas longhorn cattle manageable and better or worse than you expected, why?
- What do people need to know before purchasing a longhorn?
- What are the pro’s of having Texas longhorn cattle?
TONI grew up on a farm in Illinois, and her grandpa had Holstein and Jersey cattle.
“ That began my love for cows. I used to pet the calves whenever I could. I’d even kiss them as well. I loved their big brown eyes and they seemed to enjoy my attention.”
When Toni moved from California to Texas 10 years ago, she could not wait to get her own a Texas Longhorns.
“ They [Texas Longhorns] are so lean and muscular, and just beautiful animals. I would envision what it would look like to have one out in my pasture, and couldn’t wait to get one….or four…”
Toni had 10 acres on which she had 4 longhorns and one mixed baby. Although she no longer has the ranch, when she did, she found her Texas Longhorns to be very sociable. They mixed well with her donkeys and with her neighbors horses. She found them “ ….easy to take care of. They really only require food and water, I gave them a lot more than that however, as I gave them tons of affection.”
Toni enjoyed their funny antics.
“I think they are smarter than we think, and they each had a different personality. I grew to love mine as they we family to me.”
In her own words, Toni listed a number of PRO’s she considered as an owner of Texas Longhorns:-
- Texas Longhorns are low maintenance
- Texas Longhorns rarely require help when birthing
- They are not expensive, considering what you get, and they often live over 20 years
- Their beauty is unexplained
- They are all a little different from each other and their horns keep growing
- They are intelligent and gentle animals
- They can be trained to know their name, if you work with them every day.
Toni had an open barn for her animals which she believes they appreciated, especially in storms and at night.
FRANK was referred to us by a friend of a previous customer. When Frank moved to Texas from California, he admired his neighbor‘s longhorn cattle across the street. He decided on Texas Longhorn Cattle because of the way they look and because he was in Texas! Frank had not owned any livestock before but he now has 4 Texas longhorns that he purchased from GVRlonghorns at Green Valley Ranch and they are on 5 acres of his property.

Originally, Frank required an Agricultural Exemption for Tax purposes so he purchased Texas Longhorn Cattle purely as a business decision.
Frank and his wife, Patricia, love their longhorn cattle and treat them as part of the family more so than they ever expected. “ They are low maintenance, and a pleasure to have. People passing by, notice them too.” Frank believes that the Texas longhorn cattle have changed his life for the better. He loves everything about them but most of all he gets immense joy out of simply watching his longhorn cattle whether they are grazing in the field or interacting with each other.

MORGAN has a lot of different breeds of cattle on a few hundred acres. He currently has 5 Texas longhorns who interact with the other cattle and farm animals with no problems. Morgan thinks that Texas longhorn Cattle are “really cool animals.” He went to a college in Texas where the mascot is a longhorn. ( I’m taking a wild guess UT!) Morgan maintains that they are easy to take care of and low maintenance but it is important to consider their handling facilities for shots and other issues. Their horns make them stand apart from the other Cattle breeds especially when it comes to caring for them. Texas Longhorn Cattle are gentle but they don’t fit into all cattle handling equipment and so purchasing a longhorn requires foresight in planning when it comes to their care and handling.
Technically, Morgan did not purchase his two Texas longhorns from us. His friend, Aaron bought the pair for Morgan and his wife as a wedding gift- how absolooootly cool is that!
ALISA did a tremendous amount of research before she and her husband purchased her two Texas longhorn calves for their 5 acre property. Alisa thinks that longhorn cattle are magnificent animals. She chose them mainly because of there “heartiness” and their historic connection with Texas.
Alisa says, “their beauty in my opinion is unlike any other cattle breed”

According to Alisa, caring for her two Texas longhorn calves is manageable. They don’t require a lot of time.

“Our longhorns love to spend time with us as we do with them” – ALISA
Yes! we sure do love our Texas longhorn cattle but we also have many customers who feel the same way we do. Texas Longhorn Cattle are special, not just in appearance but in the way they find a place in your heart.
If you dream of being part of our Texas Longhorn community, click HERE.
We have a number of cute babies with quirky personalities who are guaranteed to compliment your family and enhance any field. GVRlonghorns.com/salebarn
Email us at GVRlonghorns@gmail.com for our May 2020 PROMO – an unusually attractive offer on all our calves – GVRlonghorns.com/salebarn
Schedule your visit today to Green Valley Ranch to view our herd of Texas Longhorn cattle with a prospect of owning your own or visit our website for more details.
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Each one of our Longhorns brings something special to the herd. As a community they are fascinating. We learn more about them everyday. We never imagined how much joy they would bring into our lives. We also enjoy hearing from you. Let us know what you think of our blog and if you are also lucky enough to have cattle, do they behave similarly/differently or in ways that stand out? PLEASE COMMENT BELOW
Disclaimer: The material noted above is based on our hands- on experience as farmers, our reading, as well as our observations over the years. We have done and continue to do extensive research in order to maintain our herd‘s optimum health and in order to best manage Green Valley Ranch. We respect our animals and would not approach cattle we do not know. All opinions and statements made on our website are meant as guidelines only. We are not trained specialists in animal behavior, nor are we qualified veterinarians , botanists or accountants and we urge you to consult a specialist with your concerns.
Content of this blog belongs to GVR Longhorns LLC and may not be copied in any form. ©GVRlonghorns.com All rights reserved.
Please contact us atGVRlonghorns@gmail.com with any concerns, corrections or comments with regard to our blog.