Why raise Texas longhorn cattle in Texas……..
If you think their horns are a hinderance you may want to read on…
Although you probably would not expect this, it is not unusual for us to hear the comment:-
” Never seen cattle load that easy!’
” Wow! that was quick!” after Paul and I corral our herd.
These remarks are often in conversation with our newly acquired friends and customers who may not have been exposed to Texas Longhorn cattle but who are most often ropers, wranglers and cattlemen and women – cowboys and cowgirls in every sense.
It’s not surprising that more and more ranchers raise Texas longhorns in Texas and the industry continues to gain momentum. The timeless charm of Texas Longhorns has captured landowners throughout the decades and their attractiveness remains alluring. There are so many reasons that influence a cattle rancher’s decision to raise Texas longhorn cattle on their acreage.
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We have listed 15 reasons that captured us and is consistent with many of our customers too,
Lets start with the obvious……..
1. Texas
Texas longhorn cattle have Texas in their name. There is no doubting the breed’s historic significance in the great State of Texas. The Texas longhorn cattle breed has an interwoven connection with the state’s economy after the Civil War and so much more. For more on the history of Texas Longhorns
2. Long horns
Again, the namesake of the breed, but did you know both females and males have horns. Less than a century ago, a good set of horns from a Texas longhorn cow would measure around 60″. Nowadays, things have changed. In fact, the longest horns recorded to date belong to a steer by the name of Bucklehead. His horns measure over 11 feet. ( For a guide to horn growth READ Texas Longhorn Horns – evolution, revolution)

Measuring a Texas longhorn’s horns from one tip to the other tip is a way to judge Texas longhorns against each other objectively.Because of this, some ranchers raise Texas longhorn cattle solely for the length of their horns They do, however, have differentiating value. For more on the value of Texas longhorn Cattle, read
Where is the value in Texas Longhorn Cattle- 5 considerations

3. Shaped horns
Unlike many other long or short horned bovine breeds, all Texas Longhorns’ horns are variable.Horns grow in different shapes and sizes and with different twists and turns. The longer the horns stretch out from tip to tip, the less horns twist and turn.

4. Color
It’s not only their horns that make Texas longhorn cattle stick out in a class of their own. Their hides display a multitude of color and pattern combinations. Whereas many cattle breeds present color genetics that have been fixed over time, Texas longhorn cattle have variable colors They have a red, wild type and black allele in their primary color gene.(An allele is a variation of a gene). They have a mix of 7 other color genes that allow for the plethora of shades and patterns as well as the absence of pigment, which displays as white. A colorful herd is most desirable trait and one we are proud to have. For other desirable qualities we like to see in our Texas longhorn herd read
5 Traits a Texas Longhorn should have to be a member of our Herd
5. Personality
Texas longhorn cattle have their own unique personality. No one Texas Longhorn is alike in looks and nature.
Just like humans, different Texas longhorns have their own preferences and dislikes.
Some are more tolerant than others and some are more trusting. In our herd, some cows fulfill specific roles. For example, Jasmine Blossom is the leader, Carley’s Nirvana is the protector of all the babies and Dreamgirl is the sentinel, when she moo’s, everyone takes notice, including us! Identifying each Texas longhorn in a herd is a huge advantage. We have found that the more we get to understand their habits, the easier it is for us to work our Texas longhorn herd. That’s why in July 2018, we posted – 11 Habits of our Texas longhorn herd – highlighting advantages
6. Intelligence
As if looks and personality are not enough, Texas longhorns have brains too! They are smart and they have excellent memories. Reinforcing good behavior and disciplining undesirable quirks certainly helps us in setting boundaries. Mostly, all cattle are stronger than humans. They can be forceful and cause major injury. That is why, cattle that are receptive to learning are an undeniable advantage. For some tips and links on understanding bovine behavior, you may find this post useful – Has your Texas Longhorn Cattle herd heard you?
7. Decorations with benefits
In addition to making any field look fabulous, Texas Longhorn cattle fulfill tax exemption requirements. In Texas, as is the case in many other states in the US, Texas longhorn cattle herds are eligible for agricultural exemption. For more information on the tax savings and agricultural exemptions relevant to Texas longhorns read our Blog Post
Texas Longhorn Cattle- the sensible solootion to Ag Exemption
8. Peace of mind
For those who have not had much experience with large animals and livestock, raising Texas longhorn cattle is a great place to start.
This fact is especially useful for the hobby farmer and homesteader to know.
Given the right maintenance and nourishment, Texas longhorns generally require less attention than their other bovine counterparts. So much so, that we can extend this point to incorporate some other advantages, as highlighted in our blog post HERE:–
9. Texas longhorn cattle are adaptable to extreme changes in temperature,
10. They have strong hooves and teeth and,
11. Texas longhorn cows rarely need assistance birthing, if ever.
12. Texas longhorn babies are tiny but tough.
13. Disease Resistant
We have a great relationship with our vet even though we do not see him out here often outside of our scheduled routine visits. Generally speaking, Texas longhorn cattle have an inherent strong immunity to disease. The historic significance of this is fascinating and outlined in our post Immune to a Disease which played a role in depleting a breed, how?
14. A healthy choice
For the cattle rancher considering raising cattle for beef, The TLBAA states on their website that “Texas longhorn beef is lower in cholesterol and calories than white meat.” It is a healthy trend with a growing market. For the benefits of raising Texas longhorn cattle for beef, you may find this post interesting Can you eat the Texas Longhorn Cattle you raise?
15. Versatile
The Texas longhorn breed is variable. Within the breed, there are significant differences from one animal to the next, sometimes with significant price tags too. Buying the right Texas longhorn herd for your ranching needs is paramount, from an economic point of view as well as for your optimal enjoyment . We have mentioned some uses of Texas longhorns but their are a number more. For a complete guideline to the Advantages of Texas longhorn cattle scroll down on this page GVRlonghorns.com/advantages
Finding the perfect pet takes research. Not every dog or cat is a good match for everybody. People choose their pets based on their own preferences and needs. Although we are not suggesting that your Texas longhorn should live in your living room,( although we would like that with some of ours) we suggest that the similar research parameters should apply. To answer the question – Why raise Texas longhorn cattle? we posted a few more articles…. What do Texas Longhorn Cattle have in common with goldfish?
Rest assured, ranching with Texas longhorn cattle is most fulfilling, especially when you have the essentials in place.
16 Tips for Texas longhorn cattle ranchers in Texas
You have read what we have to say. Why not read what our customers say…….
Confessions from Lovers of Longhorns
Maybe you can tell ! Why ranchers raise Texas longhorn cattle ?- We love talking about Texas Longhorn Cattle. We love hearing from you too .Thanks for supporting us and please don’t hesitate to contact us with your comments and questions and feel free to visit us GVRlonghorns.com
Disclaimer: All material noted above is based on our hands- on experience as ranchers, as well as our observations of our own cattle over the years. We have done and continue to do extensive research in order to maintain our herd‘s optimum health. However, all opinions and statements made on our website are meant as guidelines only. We are not qualified statisticians/ veterinarians and urge you to consult a specialist with your concerns. Content of this blog belongs to GVR Longhorns LLC and may not be copied in any form. ©GVRlonghorns.com All rights reserved.
Fascinating information about cows, bulls, and horns on the animals. I never knew the cattle’s horns grew in all shapes and sizes.
Your candid comment is much appreciated, thank you!
If they are bred for beef why don’t you get rid of their horns when they are babies for easier handling and less chance of injury like they do with most other breeds? I love the horns but economically and practically it seems like a disadvantage. I love your beautiful bovine and thanks for sharing info an pictures!
Carrie, our cattle are not bred for beef. All the same, would you suggest that all other animals born with horns be dehorned, for example, impala, kudu, eland, etc., etc., for safety reasons? Although I’m not looking to start a debate, I understand that the practice of dehorning may be necessary in some instances but it’s certainly not in ours. I personally do not like the idea of dehorning and our cattle have lots of space. Furthermore, anything is possible but our herd has yet to sustain a serious injury as a result of their horns.
How much land is needed per Longhorn? Is there manure an excellent fertilizer? Do they only eat hay? If they eat grass do they pull up the roots? What is an average life expectancy and do the horns have a marketable value?
Thank you for your comment and your pertinent questions. We do answer most of your questions in our blog article posted in July 2021 titled, “16 Tips for Texas Longhorn Cattle ranchers in Texas.” We discuss the question of how many longhorns you can have on your land in the first point. The answer is dependent on a number of factors that include Stocking Rates, Carrying Capacity and Agricultural Exemption requirements. All these terms are explained in the article. We also discuss forage requirements in the same article and in many more recent articles too. Overgrazing, where roots can be damaged, is a particular problem with all bovines if not managed and especially in times of drought. See our article posted Sept. 2023, “Forage for Texas Longhorn Cattle during a drought, 3 Challenges.” The Texas Longhorn breed has many benefits, longevity and the sale of their horns are listed as two of 19 benefits in our more recent article, “Texas Longhorn Cattle Benefits: 19 Attributes” (posted June 2024)
How to make money with longhorms