Something personal for a change…….
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A few weeks ago Paul rolled the Polaris( 4×4).
That in itself is a long story which I won’t go into now suffice to say that it wasn’t entirely his fault. He was however totally responsible for escaping unscathed. His tactical maneuver, somewhat like Rambo, was quite impressive as he explains it( ‘cos I didn’t see it for myself but only heard the reverberating bang of the vehicle as it turned).
Apparently he held onto the roll bar above his head and in mid roll flung himself slo-mo out the front windshield , landing on his feet. A dear friend of ours aptly described his impressive escape not unlike an act you would expect to see at ‘Cirque du Soleil’.
The vehicle did not get off as lightly with some cracks to replaceable parts. But that’s not the point of telling this story.
It’s important to to interrupt myself, though, to mention that I was fuming at the thought of what could have happened. I always fear the worst and had no sympathy for my poor shaken up husband. I did not yell, nope worse than that, I gave the silent treatment.
With the Covid pandemic raging through the world and Texas, this is no time to be careless. No time to land up in any emergency room. This was a reminder to slow down. The longhorns were in total agreement.
So to continue, a few days after Paul’s spectacular event I simply tripped over my own feet. One minute I was fine and a millisecond after I knew I was not.
I need not harp on the injustice of the situation. Not only did I put an unceremonious end to our much anticipated family fishing weekend but I was the reason for breaking our protective bubble. We had perfected our social distancing routine over 4 months which was abruptly halted by a road trip to the Stephenville hospital Emergency Room, of all the places we did not want to go.
The reason for this post is not to confirm that we thankfully appear to be Covid free even after a trip to ER. It’s also not to boast that I have since mastered my very own contortion techniques to get into my underwear with a broken arm, although I did have to get that in there.
There are however two reasons for this story.

Firstly, some of us are more aware than others that life as we know it can change in an instant. Even if we take every precaution, S%#t happens. Life is unpredictable. In addition, Covid has affected many of us personally and resulted in many casualties, severe weather erupts in the most untimely fashion and farm life comes with added hazards. Living with animals adds yet another dimension and of course- even the sweetest of longhorns can cause damage when you least expect it. Life is all we have and it is sacred.
Secondly, it’s Paul’s birthday today. He calls himself my ‘wingman’ as I broke my wing and he is there to help me with whatever I need- he says. However, he is so much more. It is true that even though the years are adding up, he still manages to bounce, thank goodness. But, he is also smart, generous, encouraging and has always been my most devout fan. He is a great architect of physical structures and abstract ones and a visionary who encourages others to dream. He is my inspiration, my partner my everything.

Months ago, we planned something quite different for today, but none the less here we are, anticipating a wonderful day with our beloved son in celebration of a man we love.
Happy birthday to our love, and many many more.
AND, on behalf of Paul thank you to friends and family for the videos, texts and photo birthday messages.
We hope y’all have the chance to enjoy this day, and if you are unable, that you at least have memories of happy times to color the passing time.
To see our most watched video, READ THIS BLOG
Disclaimer: All material noted above is based on our hands- on experience as ranchers, as well as our observations of our own cattle over the years. We have done and continue to do extensive research in order to maintain our herd‘s optimum health. However, all opinions and statements made on our website are meant as guidelines only. We are not qualified statisticians/ veterinarians and urge you to consult a specialist with your concerns. Content of this blog belongs to GVR Longhorns LLC and may not be copied in any form. © All rights reserved.