…let’s review 2019, a year of accomplishments for Green Valley Ranch as well as for us personally

Hard work has paid off for our family this year with many achievements I am proud to mention.
- For Paul, 2019 was a year of professional and personal accomplishment. A ‘Saturday’s child’ who has always worked hard for a living, Paul’s vision and aspirations for the company he steered over the last 4 years was successfully sold earlier this year, taking his career to a new level. For those that know my husband and follow him professionally, his frequent business trips and time spent away has always been the constant in our variable lifestyle. But in April he was able to take time off and used his work sabbatical to build a home on our ranch he designed himself, almost 20 years in the planning – a major personal accomplishment!
- For Alex, our son, a strategist from the age of eight or at least that’s when we became aware of his career plan, 2019 was an optimal year for him of outstanding academic achievement. His applications to three Veterinary Colleges were accepted (a year shy of him finishing his biomedical degree) leaving him with a choice of schools to attend, in this very competitive field.
For me, family and friends are everything. This year our family and friends have not been immune to health crises, severe illness and the loss of loved ones but it has certainly presented abundant opportunities to spend precious quality time with family and friends who appreciate us as much as we appreciate them here in the United States, in South Africa and in Italy. - For Green Valley Ranch, we updated and allocated time to maintenance of roads, fencing and farm equipment. We also could not be more satisfied with our Texas Longhorn herd than we are now and we are forever grateful to our supporters who have purchased adults and babies from our herd.

Our young Bull, High Caliber, has added to our herd’s strong genetic program by enhancing our new generation’s horn structure. Calib turned four in October. His Tip To Tip horn measurement is impressive and his progeny are already displaying a tendency towards his impressive traits. We would love to keep this spectacular LONGHORN BULL indefinitely but he has done his job on our ranch and we are offering him up for sale. SEE OUR SALEBARN PAGE

Many years ago, Paul eliminated cows that did not demonstrate potential for a big body and solid proportionate bone structure. In addition, we favor well mannered animals around us.

Find out what our customers have to say about owning Texas Longhorns HERE
in our recently updated Blog Post Confessions from Lovers of Longhorns
We have a number of high quality Texas Longhorn animals for sale with affordable price tags…….more on our Salebarn page

Disclaimer: All material noted above is based on our hands- on experience as farmers, our own research and our observations of our own cattle over the years. We have done and continue to do extensive research in order to maintain our herd‘s optimum health. However, all opinions and statements made on our website are meant as guidelines only. We are not qualified veterinarians and urge you to consult a specialist with your concerns. Content of this blog belongs to GVR Longhorns LLC and may not be copied in any form. ©GVRlonghorns.com All rights reserved.
Please contact us with any concerns, corrections or comments with regard to our blog.