Texas longhorn cattle for sale in Texas

The Pro’s and Con’s of Texas Longhorns in 2025

pro's and con's of texas longhorns

The Pro’s and Con’s of Texas Longhorns

We often touch on individual Pro’s and Cons’s of Texas Longhorn Cattle.  Here is a comprehensive list of what we consider to be the most relevant Pro’s and Con’s with regard to Texas Longhorns in 2025 in Texas.

The Context in which we assess the Pro’s and Con’s of Texas Longhorn Cattle

  • To keep this information current, the USDA beef cattle inventory survey of 2025 is our starting point.
  • According to these USDA statistics, cattle numbers in the USA are lower than they were in 2024 by 1%, but higher in Texas by 60 000 head.
  • Despite the decrease in the country, A & M AgriLife is cautiously optimistic about the sector in Texas because of the increased number of cattle in the Lone Star State.
  • However, even although A & M AgriLife acknowledges higher sales prices for beef cattle, this comes with substantially higher input/ranching costs, and, as always, uncertain climate conditions.
  • Nonetheless, raising Texas Longhorns is often less expensive than raising many other breeds of cattle.  Therefore, in a scenario where production costs are higher, considering a herd of Texas Longhorns seems like a viable option. In this vein, the TLBAA promotes many market advantages of the Texas Longhorn cattle Breed on their website.

Special Note:-

Our assessment of the Pro’s and Con’s of Texas Longhorns in Texas is based on our own experience and endurance in the Longhorn industry, spanning two decades. Although we personally do not raise our longhorns for beef,  the USDA data is a strong indication of the economic climate and the cattle industry as a whole.

Further, its important to note that the Texas Longhorn Cattle breed was previously categorized by AgriLife Extension as a ” Speciality” beef breed but was not included in a more recent article published in 2021.(comparative details here) The reasons for the exclusion are twofold, as follows:-

  1. Commercial calf-cow production with Texas Longhorn Cattle is limited
  2. Calf weights of Texas Longhorn Cattle are generally lower.  This effects the comparison to other breeds.
pros and cons of texas longhorn cattle
A table from Texas A & M comparing cow/calf commercial cattle breeds and is referred to and explained in our article, How do Texas Longhorn Cattle compare with other cattle breeds, 9 factors considered.

The Pro’s and Con’s of Texas Longhorns

Why Longhorns?

The Longhorn Breed has gained popularity because of a number of favorable characteristics which include calving ease, longevity, resistance to disease and parasites,  hardiness, climate adaptability, strong maternal instinct, lower cholesterol beef, easy maintenance, and excellent fertility. They are also easy on the eye!

pros and cons of texas longhorn cattle


The TLBAA lists 17 attributes that we tabulated and share from our previous article, 19 Attributes of Texas Longhorn Cattle

Two additional attributes are  discussed in more detail in Why Texas Longhorns? Discover the 2 Top Reasons why savvy ranchers choose them. These attributes relate to:-

  • Texas

The Texas Longhorn is unique, iconic and the State mammal of the Lone Star State.

  • Agricultural Exemption

In essence, the Texas Longhorn Cattle breed is one of the easiest types of livestock to raise and maintain over time.  In Texas, Texas Longhorns often qualify for Ag Exemption.  With the proper fencing, adequate forage and supplements, as well as water, Texas Longhorns ensure significant savings in property taxes.

pros and cons of texas longhorn cattle


Versatility of Texas Longhorns in today’s Cattle market – pro’s and con’s

Texas Longhorns are raised for a number of different reasons. Here is a review of the Pro’s and Con’s of  raising Texas Longhorns depending on your interests.

1.Part-time ranchers and rural acreage owners

Do you dream of escaping the mayhem of city life?  Or, perhaps you have acreage already. Either way, you are not alone. According to the Texas Land Conservancy, over 95% of land in Texas is privately owned. We know first hand the sacrifice it takes to fulfill a dream of purchasing and then maintaining acreage. Over 20 years ago, we acquired our first parcel of land in Texas. Initially, we could not afford to live on our acreage and it took many years of investing in it and manicuring it into what we have today. Back then, Texas Longhorn cattle were the perfect option for us and here’s why,

  • First and foremost, we could maintain our Agricultural Exemption at minimum cost, considering general ranching expenses.
  • Texas Longhorn cattle are symbolic in Texas. They are iconic and we owned them then and still do with a sense of pride.
  • Texas Longhorn cattle are easy to maintain as cattle go, especially if they are on their own for periods of time without management. We have raised other breeds of cattle, so we have a comparison.
  • In this scenario, here are the PRO’s and CON’s of owning Texas Longhorn Cattle, as we see it.

texas longhorn cattle in texas


  • Texas Longhorn Cattle can manage extreme fluctuations in climate.
  • They are not fussy eaters. They forage and graze a wider variety of vegetation than many other cattle breeds.
  • Texas Longhorn cattle generally have stronger hooves to manage different types of terrain.
  • As long as they have enough forage, adequate supplements, water and good fences, they can generally manage on their own.
  • Texas Longhorns are smart. With the essential food and water at their disposal, they can generally fend for themselves.
  • Texas Longhorns are truly a hardy breed. They rarely get sick, if ever. They are known for their resistance to disease and parasites. In addition, they can live and reproduce into their twenties.
  • They can also fend for themselves and protect their calves. In all the years we have raised longhorns, we have lost one calf to coyotes. That unfortunate incident happened during the extreme weather event of the Arctic Blast of 2021
  • The Texas Longhorn Cattle breed is well known for reproductive efficiency and ability to calve with ease. Therefore, raising longhorns from a distance is less stressful. In fact, we raised our longhorns for a number of years whilst we lived out of state.
  • Costs for Texas Longhorn cattle such as forage, vet fees and medical supplies are generally lower when compared with other cattle breeds. Lower production costs in today’s economic climate is a huge bonus. 
  • Its easy to tell longhorns apart. Each is unique in appearance and personality. This is a huge bonus when tracking age, reproduction and general health.
  • Because Texas Longhorns are easy to maintain compared to many other cattle breeds, previous ranching experience is not essential.

For a list of Tips for raising Texas Longhorn Cattle in Texas, click here.

Visit our SALEBARN here.

pros and cons of texas longhorns


  • Texas Longhorn Cattle are smart, as we mentioned. Good fences make good neighbors and keep cattle where they need to be. The grass is always greener on the other side. A Texas Longhorn will find the weak link in the fence to get to the other side, most other bovine breeds will do the same. All cattle need good fences.
  • Over time and as ranchers acquire more Texas Longhorns, it is easier to manage a longhorn herd with  a longhorn chute. A longhorn chute can be costly but it is not an item we found essential to have in the early years of raising our herd.

There are three other points to consider. You decide if they are Pro’s or Con’s of Texas Longhorn Cattle ranching……

  • Longhorns may take up a good portion of your days in that Texas Longhorn Cattle are a joy to own. The extended time you spend admiring them could be spent mowing the lawn, doing the dishes, fixing odds and ends around the household or other menial tasks that need doing.
  • One longhorn leads to two longhorns. A few longhorns leads to more. Consider this fair warning, you can never have enough Texas Longhorn Cattle once you get to know the joy of owning a Texas Longhorn.
  • There is a very good chance that Texas Longhorns will usurp the position of the most favorite pet in the household. Dogs and cats beware.

pro's and con's of Texas longhorn


2. Texas Longhorn industry events/ competitions

Numerous events are held across the nation where registered Texas Longhorn Cattle are judged against each other. Its a great opportunity for fellow breeders to meet and reconnect. Its also an opportunity for kids of all ages to get involved and learn the responsibilities of raising livestock on a hands on level.  Different events are judged giving weight to different criteria. Consequently, longhorns that wins a futurity event may not win in a longhorn showcase event, where horn length is the most important criteria considered. Horn length is judged based on an objective measurement of horns from one tip to the other tip (TTT).


  • Organized Texas Longhorn Cattle events give breeders the opportunity to showcase their longhorns.
  • High monetary values are sometimes associated with longhorns who fare well in competition, and particularly for those longhorns with wide measuring horns. (SEE – Texas Longhorn Prices in Review, 2024)
  • Longhorn events provide a platform for breeders to come together.
  • Different longhorn events judge different criteria, so breeders can choose what to participate in or stay away from.

An example of the power of this market can be illustrated using the example of HR Rosette, a Texas Longhorn Cow who sold for $700 000.00 in 2022 based on her extraordinary horn measurement. Her herd Sire, Rebel HR won the title of the Horn Showcase Ultimate Bull in 2018.


  • Judges can be subjective.
  • Emphasis on one criteria like horn growth can influence transformations in the characteristics of the breed. ( Read the Evolution of Texas Longhorn cattle over the last 100 years.)
  • Keeping the focus on a longhorn winner that does well across all criteria whether it be muscling or horn growth, for example, can be challenging for competitors and judges alike.

pro's and con's of Texas longhorns

3. Texas Longhorn Beef Producers

Some ranchers raise Texas Longhorn Cattle for beef. The TLBAA stands by the opinion that Texas Longhorn beef has many health qualities, as quoted on their website,

“Longhorn beef is leaner than other breeds and is lower in saturated fats. Packed full of flavor, Longhorn beef has less cholesterol and calories than white meat. Including lean beef in a heart-healthy diet can positively impact blood cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that eating lean beef can help increase ‘good’ cholesterol and reduce ‘bad’ cholesterol in people with elevated cholesterol levels.”


  • Texas longhorn beef is a healthy option for meat lovers.
  • Texas Longhorns can be easier to manage than many other cattle breeds
  • Less costs can be involved when raising Texas Longhorn cattle in comparison to other beef breeds, provided they are healthy and on adequate acreage for grazing.
  • Texas Longhorn cattle generally require less time and medical attention to many other beef breeds.


  • Longhorns often weigh less than other cattle breeds of the same age.
  • A specialized butcher is necessary to seek out in order to ensure humane slaughter.
  • Longhorns are unique from each other. Their personalities outshine their appearance making it difficult to consider them as a meal. For this reason, even though we love meat and are definitely not vegetarians, we do not eat our Texas Longhorns.  – Can you eat the Texas Longhorns you raise?

longhorn calf for sale

4. Western decor and lifestyle Market

An added factor in accessing the pro’s and con’s of Texas Longhorns is there versatility in the furniture and decor industry. Texas Longhorn hides and horns are popular as Western decor throughout the United States and beyond.


  • Selling hides and horn provides the rancher with addition income.
  • No two hides or set of horns are exactly the same.
  • Promoting the sale of hides and horns promotes the uniqueness of the Texas Longhorn cattle breed.


  • Specialist skills are required to tan a hide as well as prepare horns for sale
  • Horns and hides take time to grow.


In conclusion

Raising Texas Longhorn Cattle in Texas is not for everybody. Our experience with our Texas Longhorn herd has been truly fulfilling and continues to be a joy. This is a candid review of the Pro’s and Con’s of Texas Longhorns in 2025, as we see it. It is structured within a framework of how we have raised  Texas Longhorn Cattle successfully and endured the longhorn industry over time.



Referenced Articles











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Disclaimer: All material noted above is based on our hands-on experience as ranchers, as well as our observations of our cattle over the years. We have done and continue to do extensive research to maintain our herd‘s optimum health. However, all opinions and statements made on our website are guidelines only. In addition, we are not qualified statisticians/ veterinarians and urge you to consult a specialist with your concerns. We strive to publish accurate information however in the unlikely event that you detect an error, please let us know.
GVR Longhorns LLC owns the content of this blog in its entirety. It may not be copied in any form. ©GVRlonghorns.com All rights reserved.

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